Vanessa M. Meyer LLC
Massage, Reiki, Yoga, Fitness, Workshops & More!


Meditation for Global Healing

60 minutes: Donation

Meditation for Global Healing 

You can find these on Vanessa's YouTube Channel and her Facebook Page. (click on the top of the page!)

MFGH was begun during the Covid-19 quarantine in May 2020. It began out of the need to connect and to guide when we couldn't be together in person. There are 52 sessions total. Enjoy how they evolved. They aren't perfect (especially some of the Sanskrit) but they are full of love and healing intentions. This is a great series to learn about energy and connection.

DONATIONS: If you feel called to make a Donation, we would greatly appreciate it. Venmo (vanessa meyer @ vanessa-meyer-7) or Paypal "friends and family" (

Please share with meditators and non-meditators alike. It’s the perfect way for us to join together for positive change!

Make sure you let everyone know to like Vanessa M. Meyer LLC so they can see updates!
This time is all about transformation. We are being called to shift ourselves, our perspectives, our old ways. We are being called to resist the forces that want to divide us, to instead show how we are united by love. We're changing on so many levels. 

The more we work on ourselves during this time, the higher the vibration we become. When we meditate our cells vibrate into better health. We need to do this together because we are in it together (as we always should be).

The primary meditation is still on SoundCloud under Vanessa M. Meyer. But you can access the meditation and stream it whenever you like!

THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT. We looking forward to a better world with your help. 

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Akashic Record Readings

60 minutes: $222

The Akashic Records are a compendium of all thoughts, actions, words from all time. Each individual being has its own.  A reading is about one hour long and can be in person or virtual. The client retains a recording of the session for continued guidance and reference. 

 Still not sure what this is?

Edgar Cayce, who popularized The Akashic Records, describes it like this:

The Akashic Records, or “The Book of Life,” can be equated to the Universe’s super-computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us … The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.

Linda Howe, the author of “How to Read The Akashic Records,” describes them this way:

The Akashic Records offer empowerment and transformation by lending us exactly the wisdom, guidance, and energetic support that we need in this lifetime. For centuries, the Records — the energetic archive of Souls’ past, present, and future possibilities — were the exclusive domain of mystics, saints, and scholars. No longer! The collective consciousness of the human race has been growing, evolving, and maturing. This spiritual independence is marked by individuals who know that they have direct access to their spiritual Source, and who cultivate that sacred relationship.


So why would you want an Akashic Record Reading? 

Perhaps you are curious about your next move in life, feel stuck in a pattern of behaviors or relationships you seem to repeat, or are wanting more from life. Vanessa can help you see your past & future choices more clearly . Working within the Akashic Records, there is access to your soul’s knowing and purpose in manifesting this human life, as well as all of your soul’s conscious experiences through time and space, including past lives and manifestations. A Reading within the Akashic Records with Vanessa is a dynamic experience in which we collaborate, connect, and create movement, change, and healing on a soul level.



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Distant Healing Sessions

These sessions may include Spiritual Guidance/Coaching, Tarot/Card Reading, Meditation, Reiki and follow-up hw. If you can't be seen in person, this is the most complete way to explore your healing journey. 

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In-Person Healing Sessions

*First time clients are a 75-minute minimum session. 90 minutes or more is highly suggested.*

Vanessa is an intuitive healer whom uses a variety of techniques to create a holistically integrated healing session. Massage, Acupressure, Reiki, Sound Healing, Psychic work, Spiritual Guidance/Coaching & Yoga are all a possibility during a session. Each session is tailored to what you need on that day. Below are descriptions of some of the techniques.

While all clients should plan on "taking it easy" after their treatment, this is especially true for first time clients.  There is a natural cleansing process that may occur after massage or energy work (but especially when the two are combined).  It is important to drink plenty of water and be mindful of your activities; if possible take a warm epsom salt bath and rest. Contact Vanessa if you have any questions. 

Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage is a very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. It combines oils or lotion with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve its circulation. The benefits of this type of bodywork are wide-ranging and include relief from aches and pains, decreased stress levels in the body, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility. Vanessa may also use Hot Stone Therapy, Medical Massage, and Thai Massage techniques. Massage may be incorporated to help Somatic restrictions release with ease.



TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Tools

Acupressure is based on one the most ancient principles of healing - that simply touching a specific point on the body will release stress and improve health in the body. With acupressure, firm pressure is applied directly to these "points" on your meridians, which relieves your muscle tension and improves your circulation. This simple & powerful technique has been shown to be very effective in treating headaches, backaches, and insomnia to name a few. 

Cupping is a great Chinese Medicine technique used to release stagnations and increase blood & qi flow. We use plastic or silicone cups and vacuum out the air. While you may have some marks that look like bruises, they do not hurt and fade over the next week. Well worth the aesthetic displeasure to have some great relief. 

Gua Sha, also known as "skin scraping", is another great way to increase blood, lymph & qi flow. We use pressure as tolerated, to break up adhesions and improve fascial integrity. 

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Reiki is a method of natural healing based on the application of Spiritual/Sacred (Rei) Life Force Energy (ki). Reiki is an ancient healing art, with Japanese roots. In a session, the practitioner's hands are held above or lightly touching the body. By harmonizing the body’s chakras (energy centers) Reiki helps clear stagnations, which may be the cause of pain or discomfort. It is common to feel heat or tingling in areas being treated & many experience an overwhelming feeling of calmness after their session. Reiki is an excellent complementary therapy, especially when combined with other healing arts.

Distance Reiki can be helpful for those who can't come in for a session; Reiki can travel to anyone, anywhere in the world! Find comfort in the healing wherever you are. Receiving is best done while the body is relaxing. Create a peaceful space to rest in and allow the energy to flow.

***Vanessa has experience using Reiki for palliative care. Ask to see if this would be a good fit for your loved one.***

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Sound Healing

The body has a natural vibration. Since we are primarily made of water, it is very easy to restore balance when using sound to do so. Vanessa uses vocal toning, chanting, singing bowls, tuning forks, drums and whatever new healing toy she has found to leave your body feeling absolutely "in-tune". This is one of the quickest ways to move energy!

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Yoga at The Wellness Room

Vanessa loves to do special classes. Check fb for events!

Private Yoga Sessions

One on one sessions are good for anyone! Beginners to more experienced Yogis can benefit from having a trained professional help them progress to achieve their goals. Why wait? Invest in yourself. 

On Site Yoga Sessions

Can't make it to a studio or looking for a change of scenery? Learn Yoga wherever you want! Vanessa will come teach yoga in your home, at your workplace, or even at that lovely park nearby. 


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Belly & Baby Blessings

Blessingways are a beautiful way to gather the sacred energies for this transformational time. We gather friends/family in ceremony to bless the mother and honor the helping spirits. Vanessa tailors each Blessingway to make this special time, even more sacred. 

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House Clearings & Blessings

Vanessa offers in person or virtual House Clearings & Blessings!

Often times people have ideas of what they want their dwelling to look like. Yet when we think of our "home" it has very little to do with appearance & more to do with how we feel in it. Do you often experience peace, joy, & love easily in your home? 

If your home feels stagnant, makes you feel icky, or has disruptive energies it may be time to remove the negative and bring in some LOVE! Vanessa will leave you with ways of keeping your home comfortable and inviting. 

Blessings are very similar! If you've recently moved into a new space it's time to acknowledge & invite what you are wanting to create. 

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Reiki Certifications

Vanessa absolutely loves teaching and attuning. Her Reiki certification classes are a little different than most. The classes are longer & smaller. The largest amount of students accepted is 6. She'll share knowledge from her years of experience & you'll find yourself growing quickly. 

After your first certification you'll be invited to participate in Teaching Clinics. During clinics, you'll get to treat in a small group, under Vanessa's guidance. Thus gaining knowledge, experience and confidence. You'll also become part of our healing community! Call now! We're waiting to welcome you!

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Weddings/Baptisms/End of Life/Funerals

Vanessa is a Minister with Universal Life Church. While it may not take much to get "ordained", creating a beautiful ceremony of any kind takes some effort & experience. She will personalize your ceremony to your wishes & beyond, while also working to ease any anxieties you may have. 

Just as the beginning of life is so sacred, so is the "end" of it. Vanessa has experience helping with palliative/hospice care, lending comfort to the client & family and helping with transition.  "Losing" someone can be so difficult, Vanessa will lend support & guidance into the softness of the beautiful pieces that are there as well. 

Spiritual Guidance & Blessings can be explored as well to help couples & families with these life-changing events!

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Workshops/Class Offerings

In 2022 Vanessa teamed up with the amazing Natalia Pellegrino, ND to create a series on balancing hormones. The live versions are recorded.
To learn more about their  “Healthy Hormone Series” and how to purchase, send an email!


Vanessa is available to teach your staff or your school! Whether it’s a staff development day, a school in-service or a Scout troop, she can run classes on mindfulness or many other subjects in line with health & wellness. On Zoom or in-person, she’s ready to inspire! 

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